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Unlike Steam Deck, which utilizes rauc and desync as build patching/delivering method, HoloISO utilizes compressed BTRFS subvolumes that are built by buildroot/ with it's own preset as update stream, and is being downloaded and applied by steamos-update served by postcopy.

Build process

In order to make a default HoloISO system image build, you would need following things:

  • Installed Arch Linux/HoloISO with btrfs-progs archiso git arch-install-scripts preinstalled
  • At least 20GB of free space in drive, where working and output directories are located, and at least 10GB of free space in drive, where /var/cache/pacman/pkg is located.

Getting started

  1. Clone by using git like this: git clone
  2. If you would like to do make an identical build of HoloISO, clone postcopy_{BRANCH} to buildroot by using git like this for eg.: git clone -b beta buildroot/postcopy_beta


  1. Start building by sudo bash buildroot/ --flavor beta --deployment_rel beta --snapshot_ver "anything you like" --workdir "path to workdir" --output-dir "path to output dir"
  2. If you wish to maintain your own fork, with working updates, add --add-release to the build command which will generate SHA sum and update metadata to be used by update client with your host.
  3. You may also add --donotcompress option to skip subvolume compression part to install it later. Please note that --add-release and --donotcompress options cannot be used at same time, and an appropriate error will note you about that.

About updates...

In order to properly serve updates on your own, make SURE that you change the update endpoint in /postcopy_{BRANCH}/etc/steamos-atomupd/mirror

After several minutes or so, you will find your compressed or decompressed BTRFS subvolume snapshot in the output directory, which you can deploy to your working instance if you wish.

Additional notes

Any subbranch designation MUST be declared with -dev after the actual branch name, for example: beta-dev_nv, beta-dev_igd, else the update client WILL BE AND IS going to be rendered unusable.