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  • 8GB flash drive
  • Around 60GB free space anywhere on the drive (You could put /home partition on any drive you wish.)
  • More than 8 GB RAM if you plan to use "Copy-To-RAM" option to install
  • For normal builds (rel/beta): AMD GPU that supports RADV Drivers instead of Radeon (Southern Islands and Sea Islands require additional kernel cmdline property)
  • UEFI-enabled device
  • Disabled secure boot


  1. Flash the ISO from the downloads page using BalenaEtcher, Rufus with DD mode, or by typing sudo dd if=SteamOS.iso of=(your flash drive) bs=4M status=progress oflag=sync, or by simply throwing ISO into Ventoy drive
  2. Boot into ISO
  3. Create following partitions (using gparted/parted/cfdisk, whichever suits you the most):
    • holo_efi with 256MB size, vfat filesystem
    • holo_root with minimum of 15GB size, btrfs filesystem
    • holo_var with minimum of 512MB size, ext4 filesystem
    • holo_home with no fixated size, with possibility to extended to max free space, ext4
  4. Format those partitions:
    • holo_efi: mkfs -t vfat ${corresponding partition}
    • holo_root: mkfs -t btrfs -f ${corresponding partition}
    • holo_var: mkfs.ext4 -F ${corresponding partition}
    • holo_home: mkfs.ext4 -F ${corresponding partition}
  5. Run holoiso_bootstrap --username "username" --password "user password" --root_password "root password"
  6. Wait till it finishes, and reboot.

Migrating older dual-boot installations

To migrate pre-immutable dual-boot installations onto a new base, do following things:

  1. Delete both HOLOEFI and holo-root partitions
  2. On the available free space, create holo_efi, holo_root, holo_var partitions as described above
  3. Change holo-home to holo_home label by e2label /dev/disk/by-label/holo-home holo_home
  4. Run holoiso_bootstrap --username "your old username" --password "your old user password" --root_password "root password"
  5. Wait till it finishes, and reboot.